They put my picture on the web with the story.
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Emily Rasinski | Post-Dispatch
Mike Meiners (center), the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's Director of News Adminstration, and Metro photo editor Teak Phillips
(right) wheel in 22 boxes of copies of e-mails sent within Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt's administration.
This picture was not published:
Emily Rasinski | Post-Dispatch
Mike Meiners, Director of News Administration, passes out the 22 boxes of copies of emails from Govenor Matt Blunt's government email to reporters from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Kansas City Star and the Associated Press Thursday November 13, 2008 in the editorial board room of the Post-Dispatch.
I like the self-title. Over your head in the first picture = "a sham and a mockery". hee hee