Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Mille Borne Ultimatum

Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words...

This just may be my favorite pic ever!!!

Happy Birthday, Darryl!

Darryl's birthday weekend at Innsbrook

Donkey had a birthday!

He and Carol are going to go shoot hand guns!

John kept us toasty warm with his fire.

And I finally got to play Mille Borne!

(Could I look any more like a happy dork!?)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The GEICO song

Remind Me from Röyksopp on Vimeo.
Directed by Ludovic Houplan & Hervé de Crécy
Remind me won the 2002 MTV Europe Music Award for best music video.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Cover Boy!

I've been baby-sitting government email all weekend.
They put my picture on the web with the story.

Read the full coverage on STLtoday

Emily Rasinski | Post-Dispatch

Mike Meiners (center), the St. Louis Post-Dispatch's Director of News Adminstration, and Metro photo editor Teak Phillips
(right) wheel in 22 boxes of copies of e-mails sent within Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt's administration.

This picture was not published:

Emily Rasinski | Post-Dispatch

Mike Meiners, Director of News Administration, passes out the 22 boxes of copies of emails from Govenor Matt Blunt's government email to reporters from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Kansas City Star and the Associated Press Thursday November 13, 2008 in the editorial board room of the Post-Dispatch.

Semore goes global


funny pictures
moar funny pictures

Carol is a Futurist...

...and the future is NOW.

Look at what is playing on - only movies and television shows - direct to your PC for FREE!!!!

Check out the menu feature on this video and watch movies right here on semorebofus!
I can't wait to hook my PC up to my TV!

Minority Report Interface

The interface you see Tom Cruise use in Minority Report is now real.

g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Carol Hurst isn't the only Diva I can post video of.

This is a 21-year old Barbra Streisand appearing on the Dean Martin Show in 1963. The last 2 minutes is rare footage of her playing in a comedy skit with Bob Hope.

Bob Hope introduces her as "my fiance and my little sister."

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Congratulations, President Obama!

You heard it hear first everyone. The networks haven't called it, the pundits are still hesitant - but we here at Semore Bofus [based on our own exit poll*] are calling the election for Barack Obama. May God bless him and may our country embrace him.

*With 100% of 2 voters reporting.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Beginnings and endings

My weekend began and ended in a very similar way...

open parenthesis


closes parenthesis


at least she's consistent!

The deconstruction of Carol.

A renaissance - gone sour apple!

We had a fantastic time at Innsbrook over the weekend, but no one had as much fun as Carol!!!